Working with me

This picture is of my practice room, please feel free to have a look around (click and drag the image or move your phone around).  It is important to me that you feel comfortable in this space, so if there is anything that you feel would be helpful to achieve this then please let me know. 

I like to work creatively and explore the things you want to discover about yourself in any way that is helpful to you. That may be through drawings, diagrams, using our bodies or by talking creatively together.  Your input into this process and how you work best is vital.

I want to discover how best to help you.

An hour session costs £50. I have limited concessionary rate sessions for those aged between 18 and 25. If this applies to you then it will be discussed in our free consultation session. 

I am also trained in working online and via the telephone. This is available by arrangement.

My current practice room is upstairs and may not be accessible for those with mobility issues. I also have a dog, who will not be in session with us but this could cause issues for those with allergies. If either of these things are a difficulty for you then please get in touch to see if we can arrange alternative spaces to meet.